Monday, April 9, 2018

Dropping The Hammer

Since things in the Hahn were rolling along relatively smoothly, the universe had to step in and give us the proverbial kick to the teeth today.  Kris received some bad news regarding her job.  I will keep things short, so the Cliff’s Notes version of the story is that her position is basically being reevaluated at the hospital.  She was one of three technicians in their department and due to the Academy (official governing body) that controls their occupation, the technician roles are no longer in compliance.  One of the three technicians was let go, and they basically told Kris and the other woman with the same position that they haven’t decided how they will reassign her role yet.  To me (and to Kris’s interpretation of it) that means it is only a matter of time before they will completely phase out her position and have her duties be absorbed by the dieticians.  So for now, she still has a job, but who knows when that will change.

This means that as of this afternoon, all the plans for remodeling the kitchen, and anything else that will mean spending money, is going to be put on hold until we can figure out what to do.  It sucks because that is the only job Kris has ever had.  She has worked at the hospital in that position ever since I met her, which is now 27 years, in addition to what she was doing at the hospital as a nutrition aide since she was in high school, which totals 30+ years.  And her boss can’t quite figure out why she might be stressed out over this.  You basically say your job is being phased out, but we will do what we can to find you another position “within the system”, and you can’t understand why she would be upset?