Today is my 15th wedding anniversary. So I thought, what can I do to show my beautiful bride that I love her and she is the love of my life? In honor of our 15 years together, I will recite 15 things that I love about the wonderful Mrs. Kristine Hahn.
1) She is supportive: When I am down, she lifts me up. When I am happy she laughs with me. When there is a problem, she stands beside me, not because she has to but because she wants to. I only hope I do the same for her.
2) She forgives me: I can be an insensitive louse at times. No really, I can. In fact, I am probably way more than I even think I am. I am jaded and cynical at times (and pretty proud of it at times as well). My wife can see past all of this and somehow manage not to hold it against me. That in itself is proof that miracles do happen.
3) She understands me: My wife and I sometimes speak in half sentences. All it takes is “Honey I need a...” and the other one of us will finish the sentence, or simply go and get what is needed. This kind of verbal shorthand has taken quite some time to perfect.
4) She is an excellent mother: As a matter of fact, Kris is probably far better at being a parent than I am. That is a hard admission to make, but it’s true. I had to learn how to be a dad; she’s just a mommy. It really is a gift.
5) She is flat out gorgeous: No arguments here people (and that includes you Mrs. H). I think my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. And hey, she thinks I am attractive as well. (And she even has glasses, so I can’t blame it on poor eyesight).
6) She makes me laugh: It’s something you usually hear of a friend, but my wife can be hilarious at times. She has an impish sense of humor that can disarm even the most aggressive person, while at other times can make a sailor blush.
7) She is my rock: I have issues with the world of common sense. I’m not great with money and worse with planning. I want to be able to give everyone everything. My wife not only makes up for these imperfections, but has helped me to be better with both (now if I could just get the Ali out the door on time every morning). I think she is far more grounded than I am.
8) She is my partner in all things: I have the great joy of having a spouse who not only involves me in all aspects of her life, but whom I am more happy to share any part of my life with.
9) She is my best friend: It may sound cliche, but I have never had anyone in my life I just enjoy talking to more than Mrs. H. We never run out of things to talk about, and neither one of us has ever become bored with each other.
10) She’s part of my family: This may sound like a cop out, but hear me out. At no time in my life have I ever been with someone that so quickly and easily became a part of my entire family. There was always someone who disapproved, or was generally not happy or disliked my choice in a girlfriend I was with at the time. Miss Kristine was the first person who simply “fit”. Now this really has no bearing on my feelings for her one bit, but it is one heck of a plus.
11) She is encouraging: When I made the decision to go back to school years ago and get my BS and I was feeling like I made the wrong decision, she pushed me to go for it a while longer. When it started to look like I was finally going to do it, she smiled and told me she was proud of me. I still remember that. It was all her. Behind every good man is a great woman, and mine is Kris.
12) She is a great cook: She may give you an argument on this, but I love her cooking. She works hard to make sure that the girls and I get healthy meals and does it while working, keeping the house, and taking care of the kids. I appreciate every time she cooks and I come home late and dinner is ruined because it got cold and I had to reheat it. It still tastes great and would have been even better had I not messed it up.
13) She is a great decorator: I admit I get worried when she gets ideas in her head because it usually means more work for me. But in the end it turns out she is always right. If it were left up to me, our house would look like a grown up college dorm or frat house.
14) She watches Brewers and Packers games: Kris loves the Brewers and the Packers and actually has some great sports opinions. How can you not love that?
15) She knows me like a book: And yet she still loves me for some reason
All in all, there are simply not enough words to describe my feelings, my admiration, or the love I have for you, Kris. Fifteen things do not begin to cover it all. This fifteen is simply my way of stating to the world that I would scream from the mountain tops if I had that option (Sorry, not a lot of mountains in SE Wisconsin).
So on the 15th anniversary of the day you said “I do”, my lovely wife, please allow me to say this:
I am sure this is probably a bit embarrassing, but it was finally time to shout it from some kind of mountaintop, even if it is the virtual variety.