On Friday I took off so that I could help chaperone Alison’s final Riverside field trip. They were going to the zoo. Unfortunately, Friday morning it rained cats and dogs. And it was still raining slightly when we left. Kris and I got assigned Alison and two other children. It was good that there were enough other chaperones along so we didn’t have to go more than 3 kids per group.
By the time we got to the zoo the rain had pretty much stopped. The good thing was that we cut an hour off the time were supposed to be there because of the rain. We started out in the monkey house then the fish & reptile house and small mammal house. We tried to take them through the places slow so that we wouldn’t have to walk outside. Luckily the rain stopped by the time we ran out of houses to go into.
Ali was a bit of a handful because she thought since Kris and I were chaperoning her group, she would be able to do whatever she wanted. When we told her she wasn’t running the show she got all bent out of shape and started pouting.
We even let the kids run around in the play area for 20 minutes or so and still had time to go on the train and back over to the aviary before leaving.
One thing to note... NEVER go to the zoo the last two weeks of the school year. The zoo was absolutely swamped with schools taking field trips. Getting in and out of the zoo was... Well a zoo.
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