Luckily we only drove around for about 15 minutes and then settled on parking in a lot by an apartment building for $25. It was a little more that most of the other lots, but thought that it would be worth it to get out with ease when the show was over.
I had looked up how long this concert was supposed to last and other people who had seen it commented that is was about a two and a half hour show. So when things started at 7:00 I was hopeful we would be out by 9:30. The first group out was some all girl group called the Stunners; sort of like a man band, but with girls. I would compare them to the Spice Girls. Average at best.
Next was someone by the name of Jessica Jarrell. She did about 4 or 5 songs and then came back out later for a duet with Bieber. Again, she wasn't too bad, but not my cup of tea.
The next performer was Sean Kingston. Ali loves him and she told me that she actually liked him the best of all for the night. And actually I didn't mind his set. his music had a bit of a reggae sound to it, but a little more upbeat.
Finally, Justin Bieber came on, and the crowd went nuts. While I am not a big fan, I will say that he put on a pretty energetic show. Though I still don't quite know what the dancers were doing on stage. They really weren't needed and if anything they were a distraction.
The girls liked the Justin Bieber show, Kris and I just tolerated it. It is sad when you go to a concert and your ears are ringing afterward, not from the music, but from the 30,000 tween and teenage girls screaming.
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