So while I was at work, Kris was researching bike online from Walmart and Target. So when I got home we were ready to go find her a bike. We knew pretty much what we wanted, we just wanted to make sure we were getting a well made one. We thought a 24" bike would be best for her right now. The 20" bike is too small and there is no way that she could ride a 26" bike. Walmart had one model in stock, a 24" one, and it was some brand I never heard of. Ali sat on it, and I thought that the seat was still a little bit high for her, even at the lowest possible level.
We then decided we would go to Target and see what they had. There were (2) 24" models to choose from, a Magna and a Schwinn. After having Ali sit on both, we decided to go with the Schwinn. The seat was a little lower so she was able to sit on it a little better and I liked the construction of the bike itself better.
When we got home, Ali was insistent on trying it out. So after pumping up the tires, she took it up and down the driveway a few times.
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