Thursday night after Sarah's cheerleading practice we had a special preview of the girls' routine. Their first "competition" of the year is this coming Saturday. it isn't an actual competition because it is their own competition (the Indian Invite) so they can only perform as an exhibition. The coaches asked the parents to come see their routine and learn the cheers so that we can help by cheering along. Apparently the judges award points based on crowd participation so obviously we are going to want to help out be cheering along.
I have to say that from what I saw, they are going to need our help this year. Their routine, in my opinion, leaves a little to be desired. Last year's routine was much better. This year there is less tumbling, their cheer doesn't have a lot of rhythm to it, and their dance routine is sort of simplistic. Sarah said they have adjusted it already from what it originally was, and they will probably tweak it a little more before their first actual competition, but I don't think they'll have the same amount of success as they had last year, unfortunately. I hope they can improve things enough to at least be respectable.
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