On Sunday I had to run to the hardware store to look for a replacement fuel line for the large snowblower (that's another story all together). While I was there I took a walk through the Christmas section. The reason being that I was thinking I need to replace the lights on my Christmas tree. With the number of lights that I put on, the room gets heated to the point where the furnace won't go on, and then the rest of the house is freezing.
Last year I was looking at LED lights instead of the mini incandescent lights, and a string of 100 was something like $20 a string. I think I figured it would have been about $500 to replace all the lights on the tree, which is quite ridiculous. Well the price hasn't come down all the much. I think I might wait a couple of weeks and see if they go on sale at all. A string of 100 regular lights was $2.50. So is it worth paying almost 10 times more in the long run? I suppose they won't ever burn out, so replacement costs won't be anything, but I just don't know if I can justify spending that much on lights for the tree. Maybe if we rearrange the room, I can put it in front of the window and away from the thermostat and that will solve the problem without having to break the bank for new lights.
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