It's that time of the year again. We are halfway through the fall semester and that means the girls have a couple of days off and Kris and I get to go to teacher conferences. We had Sarah's scheduled for Wednesday and Alison's for Thursday so that Kris and I could attend both. Sarah is doing quite well in her classes so far, so it isn't like we really needed to go for any particular reason. I think we really more or less wanted to see if her teachers had any concerns with how Sarah has been doing.
All of her teachers said she was doing fine (the one's we met with - we didn't meet with all of them). They all asked about what she was thinking about as far as a career when she goes to college. So far she is insisting doing something with forensic science (because she watches all the CSI/Crimial Minds/NCIS shows). We've tried to explain to her that real forensic science is nothing like you see on TV. And Wednesday night, her biology teacher told her the same thing. We're trying to get her to explore options that would still keep the same type of work, but not exactly the forensic stuff you see on TV. Her biology teacher gave a few suggestions and we are trying to steer her in the right direction as far as the classes she is taking, or going to be taking. We're hoping she ends up making a good choice.
Alison's conferences were on Thursday. Her reports were just as good as Sarah's (in fact I think hers were probably better). Alison has been trying very hard to get all A's this year and so far she is doing a good job. Her teachers had nothing but good things to say about her performance so far. Ali's teachers all told us that she has made a very good transition to middle school. We pointed out that she had to transfer schools because of being re-districted in third grade so she's got experience with transitioning schools. Ali also pointed out that since she has been to the middle school so much when Sarah was going there, she already knows where most everything is and is very comfortable.
So congratulations girls on some pretty stellar conferences.
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