Sunday, March 2, 2014

Getting Ready for 2015

This weekend we were tasked with helping Sarah to choose her classes for next year.  Her choices had to be submitted by Monday, and she is sort of stressing out over which classes to select.  In a way I am a little upset at the school because they have her (as well as the other students) essentially choosing their careers by the time they are 15 years old and setting them on a schedule to have their courses laid out for them.

Sarah has the opportunity to take some AP courses next year (which for those who don't know, are college level courses that will allow them to earn college credit in high school).  While I think that it could be beneficial, I also think that given the work load with an AP class in addition to her other honors level classes, I am worried she would be biting off more than she could chew.  She will be taking two honors classes for sure and will most likely be taking another one.  So I would be worried that taking one (or maybe two) AP courses would be too much for her to handle and her grade point would suffer.  My thought is that if her grade point drops, it doesn't matter if she got credit for one college class or not because she won't get accepted into the college that she wants to attend.

Plus, while you can get credit for one class (or maybe more if she takes more than one AP class) I don't think it will do all that much for cutting down the overall time spent in college.  These would all be basic, entry level freshman classes anyway, and it wouldn't be like she can cut out a whole semester by taking one class in high school.

We still have to talk about the actual class choices she can take for science, or English, but that will hopefully be finished in the next hour or two.