Monday, March 31, 2014

It Was A Rough Winter

No thanks to Al Gore, we have had a very rough winter here.  As I was outside last weekend starting to get things picked up a bit (I still have snow/ice on the ground in the grass on the north side of the house and there ground is still not unfrozen) I noticed some dead spots in the arbor vitaes and yews in front of the house.  Then as I was driving up the road and around the neighborhood as I was running various errands and letting Sarah drive, I noticed that just about every house that has yews and arbor vitaes have dead spots in them.  Some not so much, others have at least half, if not more, of the branches turning orange.  That is a lot of trimming that needs to be done.  Hopefully I will be able to salvage the shrubs without having to cut out too much.  Digging them up and replacing them at this point would be a royal pain in the butt.