Saturday, March 15, 2014

Planning for the Future

With all the discussion we were having with Sarah about her schedule, it got me thinking about planning for college.  She pretty much has about a year to make a decision about where she might want to go and what she wants to major in (at least initially).  She thinks she wants to do something in biology, possibly bio-engineering.  Kris knows a doctor who has a daughter who just started at MSOE (that would be the Milwaukee School of Engineering for those who aren't familiar with it) last year who is majoring in bio-genetic engineering.  It sounds like a really cool program and I think it would be something that Sarah is interested in.  And at her teacher conferences last fall we found out that her biology teacher helped to develop the curriculum for the program.  the doctor that Kris knows told her that they were practically giving scholarships away to women just to get into the program, so that sounds promising.

I decided to look and see if there were any other schools that offered that major, and it turns out the only other one is MIT, so it sounds like a pretty exclusive major.  I have a friend who graduated from MSOE and I know that a degree from there is a pretty big deal.  There are lots of other schools that offer bio-engineering degrees, and that includes a couple in Florida. 

Last year when I was watching the NCAA tournament, the broadcast showed pictures of one campus, Florida Gulf Coast University, and it looked like they had dorms on the beach (ok, not really, but it was a very tropical looking campus).  She said she would love to go to school there.  So on a lark, I decided to check it out last week, and they do offer bio-engineering.  So if she wants to go there, that could be an option.  Then we could go visit her when the weather gets cold up here.  It might not be a bad idea to move to someplace warm.  But in any event, it is time to start looking into it.