Friday, July 18, 2014

End of Camp

Ali's week of girl scout camp is over, and other than the water at camp it was very enjoyable for her.  As I said, her only complaint was the hydrogen sulfide odor of the well water.  Well that and she wasn't wild about the food they got.  But isn't that typical?  You're supposed to hate camp food. 

She got placed with a group of 3rd graders and had a blast.  She said all the girls in her group just loved her, and she had fun teaching them and helping their leader.  It was a much different dynamic that we were used to with Sarah.  Sarah had a moderator for all of her time as a PAIT and as a PA, an she was doing all the work on her own.  At Silverbrook there are paid leaders who do all the work and the PAITs and PAs serve strictly as assistants.  At least that is how I understand it. So she definitely had fun and thinks she'll probably go back next year.