When I went to pick up Sarah tonight from work, she informed me that today was her last shift. She knew that her job was only seasonal, but she was also planning on working up until the end of August. But I also think she knew it was coming. She told me a couple of
weeks ago that her boss had told one of the other young guys that she
worked with that he was all done for the season. Plus, for the past three or four weeks, she was only being scheduled for one day a week.
Stein obviously hired more people than they needed for the summer. They went nuts having people work during the busy, spring planting rush, but then once that push was done, they had way more people than they needed. I feel bad for her because she really liked having the extra money to go do fun things with her friends, and saving up some cash for possibly getting herself a car. The good thing is that I suppose she can go look for something else now that will give her some more hours. I think she has some leads already from some of her friends, so we'll see what happens.
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