Now that the power is back on we can move on to more important things, like getting a spot for the annual Independence Day parade here in the Falls. Originally, the thought was that since Sarah was done with cheer and wasn't going to be in the parade this year (plus she is scheduled to work) we would skip it this year. However, Alison was very sad to hear that and convinced me to go wait for a spot.
I was shopping with Kris this morning to replace some of the stuff we had to throw out after not having power in the fridge, and just as an after thought I suggested we drive by the stadium where we have sat for the past three years (I think it has been three years now). It was 9:15 when we drove by and there were already people out there. In fact there was someone who had decided to occupy "our spot" so I told Kris we'd head home, then I would get my stuff together and come back to claim our spot and wait. I got back at 10:15 and someone had taken the spot that I was planning on grabbing (the spot next to the spot we usually sit in). So I quickly claimed the next spot over, and then it was time to wait... for eight and a half hours. Oh, did I mention it was misting, and then turned into a nice steady rain for about 20-30 minutes. It definitely was not a nice day to be staking out the spot.
So that was my day, rather uneventful after that. Though I did get to witness some verbal altercations. There were a group of cars parked next to me that I recognized from previous years, but the people were not there. Apparently they thought that parking their cars next to where they wanted to sit was sufficient. However a couple hours after I got there, a lady drove up and "claimed" that spot. then when the people with the cars showed up, there was a little bit of an argument, followed by one of the guys going to whine to the police about the lady staking off her spot too early.
I am really getting tired of this. Kris and I talked and maybe next year we'll skip it all together. At the very least I think we may move back to Appleton Avenue where I won't have to sit on the curb for eight hours. At least this year we didn't have any fisticuffs.
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