Sunday, June 26, 2016

Extra Tickets

Kris’s favorite band, Def Leppard, is coming to Summerfest again this year.  I tried to get tickets a couple of months ago when they went on sale, and even using the fan club pre-sale codes, I could only get in the yellow reserved sections at the Marcus Amphitheatre.  Not great, but not bad, at least for the price.  But I have learned over the years that you have to check back every couple of days and there is a chance that better tickets might get taken off of hold and released to the public for sale.  That happened a couple of days ago.  I snagged two tickets in the red section, dead center stage, but about 20 rows back.  Much better than the yellow section seats. 

But now I am left with two extra tickets.  The last time this happened was the Foo Fighters a couple of years ago.  And of course, I couldn’t unload them, even at face value.  I am not letting that happen again.  It shouldn’t be hard to sell two tickets to a Summerfest Mainstage show for face value, should it?  Well I can tell you it is much harder than you might think.  Even a ticket broker (legalized scalper) wouldn’t give me face value, when he is going to turn around and sell them for at least $50 over the face value of the ticket.  I have a few things in the works, but I refuse to get stuck with extra tickets again!