Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Artist Showcase

Last weekend we got a letter in the mail from Waukesha County.  Kris opened it and was surprised when she found it not to be a normal newsletter or some sort of campaign literature.  Instead it was a letter from the Country Executive congratulating Alison for having her self-portrait displayed at the courthouse in the annual artist's showcase.  When Kris asked her about it, Alison said, "Oh yeah, I forgot.  I was going to tell you that mt self-portrait is being displayed in the courthouse" like it was no big deal.  Mind you, this is the girl who has always shied away from art because she wasn't any good at it, so I think to have her work displayed at the courthouse is a pretty big deal.

The letter invited us to come view it and if we did to stop by the County Executive's office so he could meet her.  Since Wednesday is an early release day anyway, we decided that as soon as Ali got home we would drive out to see it and see if the County Executive was in.

Once we got there and found the right entrance, we went through the metal detector.  Then we followed the directions downstairs to the area where all the artwork was displayed.  There was a lot of art from other kids at Ali's school, but we found Ali's picture pretty quickly.

She has actually come a pretty long way in about the last three years.  In third grade she absolutely hated art class because she thought her work was so bad.  Now she is having her work displayed in the county courthouse.

After looking at her picture and the work from the other kids we decided that as long as we were there, we'd go up and see the County Executive. Alison was afraid to actually meet him, but I told her that was actually part of his job, to meet the people of the county.  Unfortunately, when we got up to his office, he wasn't there.  Apparently he has been having some health issues and was getting treatment.  But his secretary was very nice and talked to us, and to Alison and she thanked her for her wonderful artwork. 

Maybe next time if she gets any more work displayed, we can actually meet him.