The downstairs bathroom is done for now. I can't get any further because the cabinets and sink have not come in yet. I did, however, get the floor in and the toilet. It would have been a lot faster if I wouldn't have had to wait 24 hours between setting the tiles and grouting the joints. And then another 24 hours after grouting the tiles before installing/putting the toilet in.
It also would have gone faster if I wouldn't have had to take a day off to drive the girls up to Appleton for their flight to Florida, and another day off to go pick them up. There was also a day in there (Tuesday) where nothing got done because I was sick and in bed. I feel good though that I was able to get it (the bathroom) all set to go before school starts, because two teenage girls and us getting ready for work and only having one working bathroom just would not have been a good situation.
So now we wait for the cabinets to get here and try to plan out how to get everything in place once they arrive. Hopefully that will all go smoothly, because this is taking a whole lot longer than I had anticipated, and I just want it done. I can't stand working around this mess. I do like the floor though.
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