Sunday, April 6, 2014

Releveling Bricks

As I have said, it was a rough winter here in The Falls.  As I was outside cleaning up a little bit, I was walking on the patio and noticed several of the patio blocks have chipped over the winter.  I can only assume it was from all the snow and ice.  Ad to it that they are all unlevel again and I am going to have quite a project to take care of this spring.  I just took the whole patio apart a year and a half ago and releveled and relined up all the bricks, and now I am going to have to do it all over again.  This is one reason concrete would be better. 

But I have to say, I like the bricks that we have right now.  The only problem is that I can't find them anymore (Home Depot doesn't carry them and I can't find the style at any other stores either in person or online) so if the bricks are too badly damaged by the winter snow and ice, I will have to replace the entire patio because I won't be able to get replacements.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that they aren't too far gone.