It I that time of year again. No, not baseball season or time for the Masters. I is the time when high school and college kids start looking for summer jobs. This year Sarah is joining the fun since she is tired of not having money to go do things and mom and dad only being able to fund her so much. Plus with the upcoming acquiring of a drivers license she is going to want to get a car (or at least be able to gas up mine) so she reluctantly submitted an application for seasonal help at Steins Garden Center over the weekend.
They called on Sunday to set up an interview and she is scheduled to go in after school at 4:30. Hopefully she'll get it. I think that it should be relatively easy being a cashier and helping with the gardening areas. And I hope it is only a couple of days (mainly weekends) just to give her a taste of what it is like to have a job.
We are rumored to be getting a Hobby Lobby here and Sarah had said that was a place she would rather work. Unfortunately I have no idea when it might be opening. They would have to do some major remodeling to the building so it would be at least six months if they started today. So I told her if that is the case she works at Steins for the summer and then maybe she can quit an go there in a few months, that I if the rumors are true. Then again she needs to get the job at Steins first. So wish her luck!
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