Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bird Nest

This spring we got an extra treat, a bird's nest on the garage.  About a week ago when we got home from checking on Kris's dad, the girls pointed out there was a bird's nest up in the crook between the garage light, the downspout, and the outer wall of the front of the garage.

Last year, one tried building a nest on the mailbox in the front of the house, which just wasn't going to work so I knocked it down before it was finished.  So I knocked this one down too, because I didn't want to have to deal with a bird every time we opened the garage door.  But the next day as Ali was getting ready for school she noticed a robin flying back into the spot where the nest was rebuilding the nest.  After thinking about it, I thought that the bird wasn't actually hurting anything, it was just looking for a place to live so I picked up the nest I had knocked down, and put it back where it was.

Over the next few days, I wasn't sure if the robin was going to come back and actually live in it.  I never saw any birds flying around it, and I thought that maybe it had figured another bird had built a nest there and it had moved to someplace else.  So after a week or so, I went back to look at it.  There was definitely a bird building on it, because the nest was about twice as deep as it was when I had knocked it down.  The next day, Alison told me she saw a robin fly from the neighbor's roof to the next with some long pieces if grass in its beak.  So I guess we are going to have a bird living here this spring.  Hopefully there will bird news to report soon.