Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Time Again

The annual adventure of getting the Christmas tree up has been completed. Once again, I believe I have gone overboard with lights on the tree. Every year I tell myself I am going to tone it down, but yet every year it seems I use more and more lights. I will say that I am still under as far as the record goes (which is in the neighborhood of 2400).

This year we have 2050 lights on the tree, though I tell myself that isn’t quite the case as there are a few lights that are out here and there. That way I don’t feel so bad. We have to be careful with how long the tree is on because the heat from the lights will actually warm the room a degree or two.

After getting the lights on we spent a couple of hours unpacking/unboxing the ornaments and hanging them. The girls love this part the best, taking out their ornaments, hanging them, and then just looking at them. It really is cute to see Alison on her knees looking at the lights and the ornaments. The only problem is that we put the tree in a corner of the room so we lose about a third of the space of the tree because no one ever sees it. The result is that we have many ornaments that don’t even make it out of their boxes. One of these years we’ll figure out a good way to arrange the room that will allow us to have it more in the middle of the room so we have more actual hanging space for ornaments.

Pictures of the tree will be coming shortly, so look for them.