Sunday, June 14, 2015

Calendar Is Filling Up

We now have four tours lined up this summer:  UW-Milwaukee, UW-LaCrosse, UW-Green Bay, and Marquette.  I think we'll probably try to get a couple more, or maybe even second tours lined up.  But for now our schedules are getting pretty full.  Currently, Sarah is thinking of majoring in biology, so that presents a pretty big bank of schools to choose from.  Luckily she wants to stay in state, so that helps limit her choices.  And I think she really wants to go to school away from home, but not far enough that she can't come home from time to time.  

Green Bay is the front runner at the moment I think, but that has a lot to do with the fact that we already looked at the campus a couple of months ago.  I think that there are at least a couple of other schools that might appeal to her, but we won't know until we go check out the campuses.  The calendar is filling up quickly though.  I hope we can be done by the beginning of/middle of August because I would like her to have her choices made by the time school starts in the fall so we can get the applications in and then she can make her final decision when the acceptance letters come in.