Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Last First Day

Today is Sarah's last first day of school, at least prior to starting college.  She is going to go thru a lot of lasts this year, and this is just the first.  Unfortunately I wasn't around to take pictures this morning, and really I don't think she wanted me around.  I took a couple of Alison before taking her to school since she had to be there early this year.  As an 8th grader, she is a WEB leader, which means she helps show the new, 6th graders around prior to the rest of the school getting there today.

Sarah is also Link Leader (same thing for freshmen at the high school as I understand it), so she had to be there a little early too.  Luckily our next door neighbor took a picture of her for me.

And I know I posted this a year or two ago, I think it might have been on her first day of high school, but it is good to see how much she has grown in the past 13 years (at least the stoop railings look better).  

And just so I can't be accused of playing favorites, I guess I have to put up Alison's very first day of school.  Look for it again in four years.