Sarah was at a friend's working on a dance routine for the upcoming talent show on Tuesday night. And Alison had a birthday party to go to Saturday morning. She actually slept over at a friend's Friday night and then they went to the party together (it was at the WI Humane Society). Well we all know what happens at sleepovers, up late and waking up early. I had to pick up her and her friend at noon from their party and they both fell asleep in the car on the drive back home. Then While I was working on the Riverside Yearbook stuff, she decided to crawl up on Kris's lap and fell asleep.
I stopped at work on the way to pick up Alison, so I could at least have some things to work on at home, but I got all of about a half an hour to do stuff. By the time I was free to do anything, it was 11:00 p.m. and I was just too wiped out to do any work. Hopefully I can get some things done this week at work.
Sarah also gave the family a Valentine's gift that she worked on in scouts. She earned some kind of cooking badge for doing it. She made chocolate suckers. I'm not quite sure how they are made other than melting chocolate and then pouring it into molds to cool, but here is the gift we got. YUM!
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