We made it back from Steven’s Point without incident. The awards luncheon was pretty lame, but the art show that was outside the conference room was pretty nice. If we ever got enough entries from the students at Riverside, that is what I would like ours to look like. And actually Kris had asked me if I could perhaps help Paulette at the High School to have the MFHS students submit projects. This was because when we were reading the programs at the event, almost half of the winners were from Germantown, from grade school through high school. So why not have the falls kids submit more. That might take more work. It hasn’t been a big drain on me since in the two years I have been the Reflections chair for the PTA, we have had 5 entries and 7 entries, and all in different categories, so we haven’t had to do any judging we just sent the entries to the state competition.
Anyway, here is Sarah standing next to her winning entry.
And here she is on stage getting her award.
And finally with her friend Zoe and her sister Olivia, who were also award recipients.
Next year’s category is “Beauty Is…” so I’ll have to start helping Ali think of ideas for her project. She already knows what she wants to do, we just have to figure out the best way to present it.
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