Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Deer Overlords

More proof that the deer are going to be driving us into the corn and soon and will become our overlords: Last night as I am coming down the stairs at about 9:30 PM, I happen to glance out the window of the front door and I see a deer standing in the front yard. Then Kris happened to be looking out the window at 8:00 this morning and there goes a deer (maybe the same one?) right up the road and bolting across Menomonee Avenue dodging traffic and finally stopping in the clinic parking lot.

This is the second time in the course of about the last six months that I have seen deer just strolling thru my front yard. Now I have to ask, why would a deer possibly want to wander down my street? About a quarter of a mile away is the Tamarack Swamp, a playground of trees, and whatnot that I would think deer would just find to be the most enjoyable place in the world. What would they possibly want on my block? Well after about 10 seconds, a car came rolling up the street and the deer took off running so I didn’t get a picture of it. But I’ll be keeping an eye out for more from now on. Don’t get any funny ideas deer, I’m watching you.