Saturday, June 12, 2010

Family Tree Project

I have decided to pick up my old project of updating and working on my family tree. After watching NBC’s Who Do You Think You Are, I thought it would be good to see if I could go any farther back than where I am currently. Right now, I am in the mid 1700's on Kris’s side, and on my side, I am stuck at my great great grandfather. I’m sort of stuck in the late 1800s there. So I went and got a few books from the Public Library on how to proceed when you have reached a dead end.

I did however last week, find out that one of my dad’s aunts (my great aunt) just died in January. She lived in Canada with the rest of my grandmother’s family. That might be a branch that would be interesting in learning more about. I’ll post more information as I come across it.

Also, I decided to go to and check the message boards there. I hadn’t been there in a while, and to my surprise I saw someone actually posted a response to a posting I made about 5 years ago back in March. Apparently this person is a cousin of mine a couple times removed. I posted something back so hopefully I will hear something soon. Maybe I’ll subscribe to the site so I can get the contact information.