Saturday, January 28, 2012

Interesting Evening

Well Kris and I had an interesting evening yesterday. I got a call around 2:15 from Kris saying that her dad had fallen at his apartment and was complaining of a headache, and was also shaking. After a short talk, we decided to have him transported to the ER via ambulance and I would finish my work and meet her at the hospital as soon as I was done. We ended up beating the ambulance to the ER.

After running a bunch of tests and taking an x-ray, three and a half hours later the doctor told us that everything was normal and that they couldn't admit him unless we wanted to transfer him to nursing home care. Well, we ended up driving him back to his apartment. While walking him back down his hall he came dangerously close to falling again.

We managed to get him back to his apartment and got him down in his chair. Luckily there was a nurses aide that we came across on the way back who helped us out with getting him in and getting things straightened out in the apartment, including getting his walker out, though the problem is making sure he'd use it. But at least for the time being we have had the crisis averted.