Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Tax Dollars At Work

Ever since we moved Kris's dad into the assisted living facility we have been having some of his mail delivered to our house because Kris takes care of managing his bills and doctor and dentist appointments, etc.  She told me that when she went to the dentist last week the receptionist told her that his reminder card for his next appointment had been returned to the office as undeliverable, or something like not living at that address.  And this comes after the mail carrier asked me over the weekend when I met her on the sidewalk to get the mail before she got to our house if we were still getting the mail that was addressed to Kris's dad.  Of course I told her yes.

I don't understand why the post office would return a letter that was going to a valid address.  Yes he doesn't live with us, but why would that matter?  If there was no such person at the address, it would be on the people living at that address to return the letter to the post office and notify them wouldn't it?  We never did.  And the forwarding stickers only last for a particular length of time. so there was no reason to put a sticker on the letters at the post office.  Kris spent half the day today trying to get things worked out with her dad's mail so that the important stuff comes directly to us using a c/o line in the address when possible, and noting things in his accounts that if any mail is returned to contact us right away.  And that is one reason that the post office is losing money.  Who knows, maybe they do it on purpose so they can collect the postage twice.