Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cheer Season Again

Tonight was the unofficial start to the Junior Indians cheer season, sizing night.  The night where everyone comes and gets their uniforms for next year sized and any other parts of the uniform ordered if they don't have the right size.

Kris always volunteers to work the registration table since we are required to volunteer a certain number of hours each year, and this usually takes care of our commitment for the year.  This year, Kris volunteered for the early shift.  Unfortunately, the woman that was supposed to help Kris didn't show up.  So she started off doing the registration alone.  But then one of the other mom's from Alison's squad decided to help Kris out.  And then, at the halfway point, when Kris was supposed to be finished, the woman who was supposed to relieve Kris didn't show up.  So she had to pull a double shift making sure girls got their registration paperwork turned in.

I ended up stopping by to drop a couple of things off for Kris that they needed, some tape, a sharpie, and some paper clips) and I helped take Alison around to get her sizing done, which was a good thing, because since Kris had to work both shifts at the registration table, Ali wouldn't have been able to get sized until the end, at 8:00.  And as I was sitting there waiting for Alison, I looked at the registration sheets.  Ali's team this year has something like 23 girls registered.  I don't know how they are going to fit all the girls on the sidelines this Fall.