Wednesday, June 25, 2014

First Trip To Summerfest

Sarah is ending up going to Summerfest tonight to see some band with a couple of friends.  It is the first time she'll be down at the grounds by herself at night.  I am a little unsure about letting her go, just because I know what it's like down there.  The last time Kris and I were there, the grounds were over run by a bunch of urban kids because of some rapper that was on one of the side stages.  There were several fights that broke out and arrests.  I just hope that something similar doesn't happen when she is down there alone.  Plus, I worry about her and her friends leaving the grounds and getting jacked on the way back to their car at 12:30 in the morning.  Once you get away from the grounds, the neighborhoods can get a little sketchy.  I guess it is something that we have to start letting her do, but it doesn't mean I can't worry about what might happen.