Sunday, April 7, 2019

Lawn Care

We had at least a decent weekend weather-wise so I thought it would be a good time to actually go out and rake the grass.  Last year because of the wet April that we had, I only managed to rake the front lawn, and didn't do much in terms of fertilizing because of having all my free time taken up by the kitchen.  So this year I wanted to get out and get it all done.  

As of about a week and a half ago, the ground on the north side of the house was still frozen, but with the warmer weather it has since thawed out.  So yesterday I spent a good eleven hours outside raking.  I got out and started around 7:30 AM and finished at 7:02 PM, with about a half an hour lunch break.  I managed to get a good 3 bags full of grass, and one that was filled with sticks/twigs and bark that was scattered about the yard.  The down side of doing it all in one day was that I could barely move when I was all done.

The next step is going to be seeding and filling in bare spots that the squirrels have dug up in order to level things out.  I also noticed when I was raking there is a lot of moss (and when I say a lot, I mean wherever there wasn't grass there was moss growing).  I'm going to have to look into how to get rid of that before I start seeding and fertilizing.  Hopefully this year I can keep the weeds to a minimum and thicken up the grass.