Sunday, December 12, 2010


After Sarah's competiton, we decided to drive my mother back to the Valley. The forecast was for a rain snow mix and with her flight leaving on Sunday afternoon I didn't know if there would be enough time for her to get up there Sunday morning if the roads were still crummy. We called my brother and we decided to meet him halfway, in Fond du lac. It was raining when we left and when we got to just south of the Hwy 33 exit the rain turned to sleet and then to all snow. The road conditions quickly deteriorated and we went from driving 65 mph when we left to as slow as 20 mph because of the snow.

I apparently wasn't driving fast enough for one clown who decided to try and pass me, yet as soon as he got into the left lane he dropped his speed to 30-35 mph, which is what we were doing. I was following behind a semi, and was having a pretty good go driving in his tire tracks, but this guy who passed me was driving through fresh, slushy snow. He was fishtailing, and he would speed up, then slow down again. I was just waiting for him to ditch it.

I finally let the guy have enough room and he pulled in front of me (I was purposely not giving him any room just for being a jag-off). But then I decided to pull around him (and the truck) just south of Fond du lac.

The drive back was just as scary since there was less traffic heading south and no tracks to drive in. Going north we saw three cars in the ditch, but heading back south we only saw one car and tracks of one car that had been pulled out. As soon as we got to that spot just south of Hwy 33, everything changed again. It was like going through a door because all of a sudden there was no snow, no ice, just rain. So overall, it was a nice little adventure, but one that the girls I am sure won't want to repeat.