Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

This year we broke with recent tradition and stayed home. The last two years, maybe three, we had taken the girls to see a movie on Christmas Day. This year there wasn't really anything I was dying to see (not to mention the fact that I didn't feel like going outside) so we stayed in and watched a movie on DVD.

I picked Ed Wood starring Johnny Depp. Yeah, I know it is an old movie, but it is one I had never seen, but one I had always wanted to see. I think Johnny Depp is a brilliant actor and some of his early roles I think are his best. I thought it was hilarious. I was laughing all through it, Kris and the girls not so much. The girls didn't get it at all. And Kris hated the fact that it was in black and white.

I know Martin Landau was nominated for an academy award for his portrayal if Bela Lugosi, but I don't remember if he actually won it. I think he gave a great performance. Overall, I give it a B. the campy acting is perfect for the period, and Johnny Depp, I think, really nails the mannerisms seen in some of those old, schlock movies of the 50's.