Thursday, April 14, 2011

Scourge of the Red Seeds

It is that time of the year... the time that I HATE every spring. It is the time for the little red seeds (actually I think they are the outer coatings of the buds) to start falling. In the course of a day and a half my driveway and patio are covered with them. That means they get tracked into the house every time someone walks outside. I seem to remember last year collecting about ½-¾ of a large yard trash bag full of them and it weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 pounds. OK, I'm guessing on the weight, but the fact remains that I hate it.

Now when I am done cleaning up all the buds, it will be time for the seeds to start dropping, clogging up the gutters. I often wonder why I don't simply just cut those trees down.