Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Parade Day

As always, we have our parade on July 3rd, and it was hot!  When we left it was about 95°.  I think it was five years ago when we were wearing winter coats because it was only about 60° so I guess I shouldn't complain.  It was also nice to have some adults to talk to for a change.

Alison got lucky because one of her old friends from Riverside ended up sitting with us.  We weren't sure if they were going to come or not, but Paulette called Kris Sunday night and they ended up sitting with us.  I think that we've sat with the Oskarssons and the Clintons for the last four years now. 

The parade started at 7:00  but by the time it got to us it was about 7:30.  Everything was going smoothly, and then about 15-20 minutes in there was a large gap.  We were all joking about the parade being quick this year, and then we saw why.  The Governor, Scott Walker, was walking the parade route.  This was a surprise because he was not on the schedule of people in the parade.  People were walking out of the crowd, to shake his hand, thank him, and have their picture taken with him.

Alison said she wanted to get his picture, and I told her that if he slowed down, to run out and I would take her picture.  This is what I got.  Ali's friend, Olivia, her mom, Paulette, and Alison. 

We actually had all the Republican candidates for the WI Senate seat that is up for grabs this fall too.  And we were able to show Alison the previous governor, and probably the most popular governor in the state's history Tommy Thompson.

The Falls cheerleaders were a little past halfway in the lineup.  They were all very hot and sweaty by the time they got to us. 

I didn't take any pictures of fireworks this year, mostly because by the time the parade was done, I just wanted to get everything ready to go as soon as the fireworks were over because Kris had to work on the next day.  We got lucky and were out of the parking lot and home about 10 minutes after the fireworks ended.  For some reason, it didn't seem as crowded this year either for the parade, or for the fireworks.  If it were like the every year, I wouldn't mind going to the parade, well except for having to sit and wait to stake off a spot to sit.  but I will say, if I could get that same spot every year, I would be a happy camper.