Sunday, July 22, 2012

Spring Cleaning in the Summer

We tackled a project today a long time in the making, that being going thru and getting rid of stuff from the girls' toy closet in the basement.  This mainly included Barbies and Polly Pockets, but there were also a few other things, like boxes and a couple of old coats. 

It was sort of sad seeing all the old toys that the girls used to play with being given away.  Kris and I let the girls keep some of the about 30 Barbies they had, but they needed to get rid of a bunch (I think it had been about two years since a Barbie doll had seen the light of day).  I made the girls come down and pick out the ones they wanted to keep, and to get rid of the ones they didn't much care for.  It was funny watching them go through the dolls, picking out the ones they liked and hearing them reminisce about their dolls.  You would have thought they were thirty and remembering the good old days. 

After about an hour and a half we were done and then had to get things put back together.  This is just the first step.  We have a lot of other stuff to go through and get rid of, but at least it's a start.