Thursday, August 22, 2013

End Of Summer Vacation

Well it is almost the end of summer vacation.  I know because we just spent an hour at the junior high yesterday standing in line, turning in forms, getting school photos taken, and trying out locker combinations.  So since vacation is almost over I figure it is about time to get caught up and start updating my blog again.  As Kris pointed out to me last week, I missed all the stuff I usually report on over the summer, the most important being the girls' birthdays.  But also in the mix was girl scout camp, the 4th of July parade, the start of cheer practice, and a few other things.

The summer was a hectic one, and with all the things going on with having the bathroom redone, we spent every single day for a month cleaning the house.  The dust and dirt generated was unbelievable.  But that is finally done so I am trying to get caught up on some other things around the house, most notably finishing up the details with the bathroom, like finishing some paint touch ups.  I also have to fix some holes in the walls of the hall where I had to rip out the baseboards and replace them.  I also have some yardwork to take care of that has been neglected.  And I have a ton of TV to get caught up on.  Hopefully things will start to settle down once school starts up again.