Sunday, January 18, 2015

No Cell Phone

Well that's just perfect.  I am now without a cell phone.  Last night as I went to turn my phone off, it locked up on me.  When I tried to reset it, it got stuck in a loop of booting up, never getting to the phone's home screen.  So I took it in to Best Buy (where I have the insurance for the phone) to see if there was anything they could do, short of sending it in to be replaced.  They said, no, they don't do any of that in the store anymore.  I have to go online and submit a claim.  I will have a new phone sent to me (actually a refurbished one) and then I send my non-working phone back to them.  However, that means that after I put this claim in, I will have to wait two to three business days before getting the replacement phone, which means the soonest it will be here would be Tuesday, though since it is Sunday night, they won't get the claim until tomorrow, which would mean that I wouldn't have a phone until Wednesday at the earliest.

It also means something else.  All my contacts, music, etc. that WAS on my phone will need to be replaced.  I had everything saved to the phone, rather than backed up on my computer, or online (in the cloud).  Well that lesson was learned the hard way I guess.  As soon as the new one gets here, I'll have to sync it to one of my online accounts, probably the Google one since that is the one I use for putting in entries here.  Once again I am going to say it...  Cell phones suck!