Tuesday, May 5, 2015


When I got home from work today Kris informed me that we got a letter that said Sarah had been accepted into NHS.  No that isn't a new high school, she is now a member of the National Honor Society.  We will have her induction ceremony in a a couple of weeks at the high school.  It was like pulling teeth to get her to even apply, and honestly I wasn't sure she'd be accepted.  She has excellent grades, but NHS is also looking for other activities outside of school; volunteer type activities.  And I wasn't sure she'd have what they were looking for.   I am pretty sure that the teachers she asked for recommendations gave her glowing reviews.  Whenever we have conferences her teachers all tell us how great she is in class, and how hard she works.  Plus, I told her at graduation she'll get to wear the cool, gold cords with her graduation robes.  So I'll try an be sure to get some pictures from her ceremony to post.