Friday, October 23, 2015

Another Phone Upgrade

It was finally time to go and upgrade another phone.  Ali's iphone4 was over two years old, and there were certain buttons that were no longer working, so I talked it over with Kris and we decided to go and get her a new iphone6.  One of the main reasons is that she is going on her Washington DC trip in four days, and she'll really need to have a good phone/camera.  Of course she wanted the rose gold color, which they didn't have.  Although the sales person at Best Buy told us that the rose gold colored phones are a special, limited run, or something like that.  So it sounds like there really wasn't any way she would have gotten one.

So now I am the only one with an "old phone".  However, unlike the ladies in the house, I only use it for reading email, texting, and talking.  I don't use mine for music, steaming or otherwise, or surfing the world wide interwebs.  So I suppose it suits my needs for now.  Maybe in the Spring I'll splurge for a new phone.  Also, I think I may need to look at changing plans, because when I get a new phone, we'll be paying an extra $100/month just in phone fees, which really pretty much sucks.