Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Delayed Departure

Sarah was going to head back to school today.  However, with all the rain we have had in the last week she is waiting a day.  One of her roommates went up to La Crosse yesterday, and she told Sarah that it took her mom something like 8 hours to get home, because there was a portion of the interstate that was flooded so the WI patrol had the road closed.  So with that in mind, she can have another day for the waters to recede slightly.

That will also give me the opportunity to make sure that she has everything she needs packed up.  Kris and I plan on having to drive up over the weekend to bring a few things anyway that she isn’t able to fit in her car (I don’t know where she got so many clothes!) so since we are going up anyway, I suggested not totally overloading to the point where she is unable to see out of her windows; just take what she things she’ll need right away, or what is easiest to fit in her car.