Sunday, August 5, 2018

Phantom TP'ers

As I was relaxing last night getting ready for bed after being away for the last week, I decided to get up and put a few things away. As I was coming back from the kitchen, I noticed something go flying into the back yard out of the corner of my eye thru the bathroom window. I went to look and it was a roll of toilet paper. As I was doing this, Alison came running downstairs and said someone was just toiletpapering our house. She just happened to be coming down the stairs and saw them thru the window in the front door, and managed to scare them away. It looks like they got maybe one or two rolls in our shrubs, and the roll in the backyard.

They took off running down the street and left the bag they had all the TP in. I asked her who it was and she didn’t know, but she was going to ask around and find out. I don’t know if I should laugh it off, or be mad. In one sense, I remember doing that at her age and thinking it was funny, but as an adult and a parent, I don’t want to be outside trying to clean toilet paper out of my trees. So we’ll see if we can track down the culprits. I told Ali to put out the warning that was the free one. Next time if I catch someone, I won’t laugh it off.