Saturday, April 25, 2009


I have finally finished raking the grass. I am at least a week behind with where I want to be. I should have my first round of fertilizer down already. Hopefully I’ll get in on the grass this weekend, depending on the forecast for when it is next going to rain. I finished up the back grass last weekend, and ended in the rain. I was about 15-20 minutes from finished when the rain started. So the last couple of days have been pretty decent, so I tried to get the front yard done, though getting home at 5:30 p.m. didn’t give me much time. I was able to, luckily, split it between Thursday and Friday. Every year I say it, but I really wish I could wipe out the lawn and start fresh. The ground is uneven, and there are about (3) different types of grass in the front. I’m doing my best to reseed and get some sort of coherence but as much as I would like it, I don’t think that’s going to happen.