Friday, July 16, 2010


You would think that with having to knock down five wasp's nests so far this year that I would be more on the lookout for them. Sadly, today I was not.

I decided to cut the grass when I got home from the body shop. Kris told me that the forecast was that there was supposed to be rain tomorrow afternoon, so I thought if I could get it done tonight I would be in good shape for having free time this weekend. So I started out with the mower next to the garage walking toward the back lot line. I had gone about 25 feet when something hit me in the neck. It felt like someone had flicked my neck, right behind my left ear. I made it about another 5 feet and then the burning started. I turned to look and on the back of the shed there was a wasp nest about the size of my palm. There were probably about 20 wasps hanging from it.

Normally I am always looking on the sides of the house, on the soffits, in the peaks of the roof, etc. But I was careless and I got stung. This was the first time I was stung by a wasp/bee/horner since I was about 12 I think. I remember getting stung on the arm at Steve Thompson's house by a hornet. I must have been either 12 or 13. But other than that, I have gotten away.

I went inside and Kris insisted I take a Benedryl (which I HATE because it puts me in a fog) and some ibuprofen. Luckily I'm not allergic. It's been three hours and my neck is still tingly. At least I'm not all swollen up.

Oh, and the wasp nest lasted all of 30 seconds. I went and sprayed that thing immediately.