Friday, July 2, 2010

That Time Again

It is time for the annual dash for spots along the Menomonee Falls Independence Day Parade route. We are going to sit with a couple other families this year so I wanted to make sure we got a decent spot and had enough room for everyone. The way I figure it, we'll have about 25 people sitting in our group.

I got off of wort at 5:00 and decided I should try and see what it looked like along the route already, so I drove home along the parade route. It's a good thing I did. I wasn't planning on going out until about 6:00, but at 5:15, spots were being taken quickly. Technically parade goers are not allowed to stake off spots until 7:00 PM the night before, but people were sitting in front of the areas they were planning on claiming with their materials for staking off their spots... stakes, string, ropes, tape, etc. So as soon as I got home I changed and just got back in my car and drove back to sit and wait. I found a spot that I think is large enough about 10 feet down from where we were sitting last year. Not too shabby, and I didn't have to fight anyone for the spot (I wouldn't have but it sounds good to say I was ready to throw down.)

Pictures and a report of the parade and fireworks to follow.