Friday, September 24, 2010

Swim Lessons

Alison started her next level of swim lessons tonight. They start at a sort of crummy time, but the classes are also longer. She was sort of scared to start tonight, but I am not quite sure why. I could be that she was scared about who her teacher would be, or if it is because she was unsure of what they'd be doing.

They started off doing bobs and quickly moved to swimming laps. It was much farther than Alison is used to swimming. She had to stop a couple of times holding the lane markers to catch her breath. She did much better when they switched to do backstroke. They also did some diving for rings on the bottom of the pool. The had a little trouble with that too. Hopefully she will get stronger over the course of the class, but I think it might take her two tries to get through this level .