Saturday, February 12, 2011


Friday right before I left work for the day Kris called to tell me that the house was about 60 degrees. Apparently the furnace wasn't working. I had come to the conclusion the last time this happened, I figured there was a problem with the thermostat, but I never got around to replacing it. I thought I could wait until it got warmer outside and I wouldn't have to worry about having the furnace off. Well looks like I needed it sooner than later.

However, first we needed to run to the hospital to see how Kris's mom was doing. Kris had tried to call her mom earlier but there was no answer in her room so we figured that she was having her scan. We ran to the hospital quickly and she was downstairs having the scan done so I took the opportunity to head to Home Depot and get a new thermostat with the intent of replacing it when we got home.

It was a pretty simple replacement, the only problem is that the new one is half the size of the old one, which means patching holes and touching up the paint on the wall. It took me about 45 minutes of making sure I had the the right wires connected to the right terminal. So it looks like everything is back to normal. The house is back at 68 and holding so far. Hopefully the heat stays on. I would hate to find out there is a problem with the furnace that would require a major fix.