Saturday, April 27, 2013

My Insurance Rates Just Went Up

Well, not quite yet.  but they will be shortly, because Sarah passed her written test for the learner's permit.  But since she can't actually get it until she turns 15½, she has to wait until February.  I don't know how many questions they had on their test, but Sarah told me they were allowed to get as many as 10 questions wrong.  Sarah missed 6 questions.  When I asked which ones, she said that the driving school people were not allowed to tell them which questions they missed.  

That doesn't sound right to me.  How do they expect them to correct the questions they got wrong, or rather, make sure they learn the right answer.  I's hate to be on the road with some kid who got the question about what a stop sign means wrong.  And how do you expect the kid to know what to do at stop sign unless you let them know, "Hey, you got that wrong.  The correct answer is...."

I think that I'll start giving Sarah some quick lessons just in the driveway with backing out and pulling in, just to get her used to what it feels like.  Hopefully that will be enough until they start their on the road instruction.  I don't know if they have any closed driving course instruction before they hit the road, but I think Sarah is going to need a little bit of practice before she gets turned loose on the street.  And if how she drove the golf cart at my parents' house in Florida is any indication of how she will be driving a car, she is going to need a lot of practice.