This year we had no children to go trick or treating. I suppose we need to get used to it. I think that the last time Sarah actually went trick or treating she was in 6th grade, but she was at a Halloween party at a friend's house. Well that is what Alison did this year. She went over to a friend's house after school and went trick or treating over there. Kris asked Ali's friend's mom to at least take a picture of her in her costume.
Our trick or treating hours were from 5:30 - 7:30. It had rained most of the day but then there was a break right around the time trick or treating started. Then at about 6:45 or so the sky just opened up. I think we might have had one person after the rain started.
Sarah had cheerleading practice on Halloween so she couldn't do anything. I don't think she would have done anything except maybe give out candy anyway. But her coach did let them wear costumes for practice. Sarah was a cow. I think she has a picture somewhere, but I need to get it from her. There may be some more with the other girls on her squad too. As soon as I find one or two, I'll update this post.
When Alison got home, she was very cranky. She was soaking wet, and very uncomfortable in her costume. She forgot some of her things at her friend's house, she face make-up wouldn't come off when she was cleaning up. It was horrible. I wonder if she is going to want to go again next year?
Here are Sarah's pictures from her cheer practice.
Note: The final picture is a combination of the JV and the Varsity squads.
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